How to add a company to Google Maps
You need to create a page in Google My Business.
Algorithm for adding a company.
1. Go to Google My Business and click “Add Company Data to Google.”
Visit Google My Business and click “Add Company Details to Google”
2. Sign in to existing or register a new Google account.

3. On the page that opens, in the “Name” field, enter the full name of your organization

Specify the full name of your organization
if you found your company in the drop-down list, select it (all other data will be pulled) and click “Continue”;
if your company is not listed, click “Next” and fill in all the fields.
Indicate where your company is located
4. Add information about the service area.
Indicate the areas that your company serves
5. Select the category that best describes your activity:
Choose the category that best suits the company.
6. Fill in the contact information (you can even register companies that do not have their own website):
What contact information to show customers
7. Check all entered data and confirm the creation of your My Business Google Account:
Complete the setup and go to confirm
8. Next, a company confirmation form will appear via mail.
Next, a confirmation form of the company will appear through the mail.
An email with a verification code will be sent to the specified physical email address. The letter usually arrives within 1-2 weeks after application.
9.You will be taken to your company’s personal account.
Personal account of the company in Google My Business
On the “Information” page you need to provide the most complete information about your company:
add additional categories that match your activities;
add a description of your company;
Specify hours of operation;
methods of payment for goods and services;
Add photos and videos.
Along with additional information.
In the description of the company
, try to write as precisely as possible what exactly your business is: what products or services you offer.The more complete and better information about your company is presented, the more likely it is that Google users will see it.
Read more click here
How to add a company to Yandex cards
To add a company to Yandex, you need to leave a request in the Yandex.Reference service. when entering the name of an organization in a Yandex search, the following information will appear in the corresponding block.
The site of the company;
phone number and address on the card;
time and days of work;
availability of social networks;
additional information (for example, for a restaurant – the choice of the type of cuisine, the availability of Wi-Fi, information on home delivery);
user reviews.
Company information block
Google business link: click here